Discover How You Can Lose Up To 25 Pounds
In 25 Days With The Most Strategic, Fastest Fat
Loss Program EVER Developed—All While Eating
WHATEVER You Want Every Fifth Day
Yes, for the first time in history you can actually lose fat incredibly fast,
gain calorie-burning lean muscle at the same time, and finish with a metabolism
faster than when you first began. And you'll do it in just 25 short days.
The Solution: Strategic Synergy
Spent YEARS of your life working toward achieving something solely because you knew it had the potential to be great?
I have.
And when you put that kind of dedication—that kind of passion—in to developing and testing your ideas and methods, you truly gain an incredible understanding of the human body and when, where, and how you can get away with the use of certain advanced techniques, and actually use those techniques to accelerate fat loss results.
For example, "extreme" methods like fasting CAN work in the short term to create massive calorie deficits.
Strategic "Cheat Days" in which you indulge your most intense cravings and purposefully abandon your diet can be used to offset the adaptations to extreme dieting.
Strategically timed workouts when the body is most primed to burn fat and others when the body is extremely receptive to build muscle CAN allow you to achieve both simultaneously.
Nutrient timing and strategic nutrient manipulation can literally put your body in any "state" you want it to be in, for whatever purpose you want it to be there, at any time.
And with the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, we combine ALL of these methods, and a LOT more—each at the most strategic position within a radical 5-day cycle in which every single workout, every single day of the diet, and every single combination of each come together to create a fat loss result exponentially greater than any one of them ever could alone or in any other sequence.
That, my friends, is strategic synergy. When you learn how to unlock the right methods in the right combination in the right sequence, the strategic, synergistic results are profound.
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